Saturday, March 12, 2022


 Nomads...we all have heard about them, read about them, even seen them... how about Living them. 

Likes of us actually live  - fact are Nomads. . . . .We leave home, we leave friends, we leave family....we leave everything that made us today., what we are........everything except being Nomad.

They say money is not everything, we all heard that, we all know that, but, reality begs to differ. Money is a lot, in fact only next the real happiness. People often says that money cant buy happiness, but, surely money can buy all the things that  bring us happiness.

Moving away from my from my Parents, was one of the toughest decisions that I ever had made in my life yet again... all for Money !, the mighty money that made all of us away from each other,,, that has actually made all of us away from each other. 

Sometimes i really wonder, is it really all worth for ?, I mean, why couldn't we all have been in less,,, but all together.., why we all couldn't have settled for much less and still be together,,,."kyun hain ye durian, jane hum sab hain kahan...." . . 

There are times when i liste to some really old songs and remember the best times of my life, when i was really close to all those who mattered to me. It's not always about being right or wrong... sometimes just being at the right place the right time matters the most. 

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