Friday, June 25, 2010

Window Of Life

Today, here i am , sitting at my Destiny, looking through the windows of Life,

sometimes i wonder....
when i saw her turning, down the lane,
when i said her " good bye", i wonder,
will i ever here her 'Hi",
with memories deeper than ocean,
and loonlyness darker than her eyes,
sometimes i wonder.....

did i disapoint her, or let her down,
or should i be feeling guilty,
or let the judges Frown,
Coz i saw....I saw it all begun,
Even beofre she turned....even before she was gone,

I shed my tears, i shed my dreams, to mak her mine,
i shed all that was once mine, to c her simle....

Some times i wonder.....

will i ever know, y she said "good bye"
coz words were all i had , to make her mine.....
today i start a new story, in the world, thts lost its glory,
but the ghosts of past, haunt my Story.....

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