Saturday, June 26, 2010


Dreams...................There have always been dreamers, right from the creation of the World...right from the starting of Life forms...right from the Begening of Humans.....right from the time,we learnt expecting more and more from Life... right from when, we started to think, that what we have is not enough..... Right since when, we started to give less significance to present and more to Future.... right eversince we gave more value to wht "Could" be instead of what "IS"......

Seems a bit negetive right?? Well, it may be or may be not.

To Dream, is the basic nature of all the Life forms and not nessecarly of Humans Only. We dream, when we expect something more from the existing world. We dream beacuse we feel that, the Life could be much more better than what it is now. We also dream, to let go of our past and see a glimps of beautiful future that lies ahead of us.

Some people belive and say that " Do not hurts when they dont come true.." and things like that. Well, fare enough i guess. We humans, are very strong, Yet extreamly fragile in nature. We humans have tendancy to creat an superficail world and live in it. Constantly trying to achive all the aspects of the "Dream Future". Soemtime, these Dreams help us to achive what we can not even think of.
If the Twin brother wouldn;t have dreamed about Flying, we wouldn'y have the Airpalnes today. If Human had not dreamed of touching Moon, we would have been on Earth forever. If we would not have dreamed about having a better Future, the mordern day creations, gadgets would have never been into existence at all.

It's our dream that keeps us alive and most importantly hopefull for a better future. Dreams are always about a better future. Sometimes, we dream of things that had happend or went wrong in past. But what do we see there, Perhaps, few possible solutions that could have led to a good situation, thus, ultimataly leading to a Good Future.

There has never been a problem with Dreams. The problems lies with Us. Its within ourselfs. And so is the Solution.

When we dream, we visualize a perfect world, free from any anomalies or distortion in simple terms, a Happy Life with our loved ones around us. We like that Situation so much that we start puting our efforts to make that dream come true,and parallel to that,some where inside us, we realize that we have already started living that life. But in raelity, its still far from existance. But since we love that situation so much, we don't think in opposite direction.

So far so good, every thing seems to be in perfect place, Loved ones around, taking new steps towards that Dream. But, there are certain aspects of life, that we cant not take into account, no matter how well planned our actions are. There is something called as "Fate" :). It's something, that Human can not controle. No matter how hard he tries, it still remains the main driving Force.

The moment we realize that the "Dream" which we had seen, is not comming true or gets broken, we sink into our own sorrows and our beautiful heart,makes us feel sad.

But, do we ever realize that, the "Dream", which we had seen or the Situation that we had Visualized, is actualy still there and up for us to Grab!!!,. Then whats the Difference?? Well, its actualy "..The Faces, The Instruments, The Obejects, The View " that has Changed and tampered. Have we ever tried to realize that, the very Idea of a perfect life, is still there!!!, So what if our People change, those Faces, so what if the things/items we dreamed of are not there, That life is still there. We can still achive the same level of expectaions with a Different sets of People and Items. And how knows, we may even derive a better satisfaction from it. And which actaully happens in real life!!!.

We just need to understand the "Dream" is all about. Some times in Life, we have to let go of our own planning. Beacuse we need to a take pause, and see what Life has planned for us.

As for me, even i had a beautiful dream, which had gone Sore :). But this, doesn't stops me from dreaming again!!! . My life has always been around my Dreams and I know, that i'll Live for them. So what, if the Faces in those dreams will change, My Dream, still there up for me to Grab :) :) and i am Going for it!!!

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