Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Past, Present and The Future

"1st love is always golden", " pehla pyar to bus,,,pehle hi hota hai " , "u cant forget the 1st love.." , , , How many times in a day we come across these lines from the people around us. Don't take the Pain of counting/thinking, its actually useless. Its not that i am against love or something like that!! nope I am absolutely Not, But I just differ a Bit.
I believe that, Love is always just Love,its this Plain and Simple. Many Centuries ago, its was called Love, and even today its the Same. What has changed then??
Its our perspective that has changed today.

Today's youth is always under Pressure of Academic,Sports, Family, Peers, Friends, Love Life, Society, and what not, this list is endless. So, where does all this Pressure goes?? Any Idea?? all goes into the Brains. Our Brain is even more complex than the all the mysteries of the Universe Combined. Now what the brain does with all these Pressure is actual very Interesting.

It creates an artificial world around us, and makes us believe that, this is the Perfect World, and we start living that world. Which actually runs Parallel to the real world. Which has no similarities at all. it can go on and on for years until one day it reaches a Crossroad.

Now this is where the Problem starts, at this very Crossroad, we, all of a sudden realize that, its not the Perfect world Any more. and we Succumb to the Pressure or Accepting the Truth.

The very people who live their entire life's around Truth, when they are made to face such situations, even they Fail to Accept the very Truth, with which they were living so far.

Every human on this Planet has a Past, who will be living in Present and will definitely have a Future. So what does it takes to actually stop the humans to move ahead??? Why they can not come out of Past??? is it really that though?? or its just some thing else.??? It worth thinking.

now every ones, Perception towards Life is different, even mine. I can never understand that how can a Man's Past can not let him to have a Beautiful Future??
It all starts up with that Parallel World, but what we fail to realize it that, that World has to End, so that the Actual world can Survive. And it eventually does.

All that Matters, is When we do it & How we do it.
We need to be ready for our future, which irrespective of our Past, will happen for Sure. And its Entirely up to us,that how we welcome this Future. We have 2 Choices, Either we Face it and make it even More beautiful or Keep sulking to our Past and make it even more regrettable.

One request to all who will ever read this. We have only 1 Life to live, lets not insult the most beautiful gift of God", This is Life,,,,Live it..........

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