Thursday, June 17, 2010


Love :), one of the most beautifull feelings that a Man can feel. The very thing that makes the Life on Earth Worthwhile. The only thing that gives the Life a meaning. The thing that give it a Reason to Exist.

When we fall in Love, our world gets complete, well it seems atleast. It feel like the life more worthwhile to Live. And we Plan our Life accordingly which is basicaly Wowen around the "Love".

But some times we need to Let go of our Planning for life, just to see wht life has Planned for us.

Many times, we get seperated from the very Person we have loved. And with that seperation, we get seperated wth that World, which was wowen around that Love. and we feel dejected and Lost, it seems like end of the World for us. And we start feeling, that life will never be the same again.

But what we fail to relaize is, We Liked the Person and Loved the - Feeling of being with Him/Her, We loved the Essence of that Relation, We loved the Soul behind the Materialistic Body. While being in that relation, we get used to that Persons, Voice, Face, Aroma, Body, Odour, Color, and other Features. And when that Persone, Face, Voice, Aroma goes, we feel that its the Love that has Gone. Which is the Wrong Perception.

We take the Love and associate with that Persone. But Dear's :), Love is much more than what a human Body could ever hold. It can not be Contained. It can not be Controlled.

If you have Loved a Persone with all your heart, and if something happens and that person is no more with you. What does it Means. Will you stop Loving? No, we don't, we just take a Pause. Co'z when Life doesn't waits for any one then Should "Love" be any different. Why does Love has to Wait or Die?

We are humans, we are made to Love...again,,and again,,,and yet again... There is no ending to It.

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